The universe is not real, time does not exist,
you do not exist and soon...
The Universe is Not Real
It may not be possible to create a definition of reality which is acceptable to everyone, and this simple fact may tell us that we each make our own decision as to what is real and what is not real- we do not all accept the same reality.
Many people believe there are realities which exist outside of science and which do not conform to the rules of science. It follows, that a key question when contemplating reality is, therefore- ‘How credible and reliable is science?’
For evidence that the universe is not real, but virtual, and exists only as imagination...
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Reality Breakdowns are real...
Other worlds exist
and there are pathways to them...
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1. The Universe is Not Real
2. Infinity Rules
3. Science
4. Magic
5. Belief
A key to understanding the true nature of the universe and reality is in the acceptance of infinity. Where science has been unable to give confident answers, infinity gives those answers. It seems the answer to why scientists cannot totally accept infinity is because infinity causes unacceptable mathematical conundrums.
However, infinity is not tied to a numerical value and for argument's sake, here, infinity simply means without limitations or boundaries...
An Extract from the fictional series Breakdown
The Four Assumptions
The First Assumption
How old were you when you first asked yourself where does space end and what is at the end of space? If space has real physical existence but there is no such thing as real infinity then space must have an end and that creates the questions- ‘What is at the end of space? Also, where does whatever is at the end of space end?’ Eventually, a fact has to be accepted: space needs no beginning or end because it is infinite. Similarly, when did time begin and will it ever end? Time and space are infinite, and as there can be no limitations or boundaries to imagination, so too, must imagination be infinite. It follows that If time, space and imagination are infinite, then everything must be infinite. Therefore, there are infinite universes.
'Infinity of space, time and everything is a viable and accepted concept'
The Second Assumption
There are two types of existence:-1. A real, physical existence: such as we believe we experience, and 2. an abstract existence such as imagination. Whatever may exist in a real physical reality will also exist in the broadest acceptance of imagination. If our universe ended tomorrow and our ‘physical’ existence was to vanish, the idea of what once existed would not have gone away. The nonphysical existence of imagination would be unaffected and therefore everything would still exist as imagination, regardless of the fact that the real universe no longer existed. Imagination can, therefore, exist outside of human existence and outside of our universe. Imagination is infinite and must contain imaginings and ideas, visions, dreams and all manners of things that do not exist within a physical universe. What exists, in reality, will always also exist in imagination but there are things in the imagination that cannot exist in reality.
'A physical universe must also exist as a nonphysical universe but a
nonphysical universe
is independent of its physical counterpart'
The Fourth Assumption
In my story of Breakdown, Pat Sall, The Group’s Chair, explains to his colleagues...
‘Our universe must be what we perceive it to be. The best and only evidence and the nearest to proof we have of anything is, 'I think therefore I am' and so the universe existing as thought is strongly evident. However, this is not so for a physical universe. There is no evidence that our universe is a real, solid physicality. In addition, any physical universe must also exist in the infinite realm of imagination whereas a nonphysical universe need not exist in a physical sense. From this, it can be accepted that when Occam's Razor and the law of Parsimony has applied the simplest explanation- ' Following these expressions there were a few expected sniggers and mumbles and Gordon interrupted me with, 'Now you've lost me, mate!' The whole group laughed in agreement but, to my pleasant surprise, Leb then said, ' Is this about the least complicated option being the likely one?' I acknowledged Leb's comment and expanded, 'Yes, Occam was an English philosopher and he is acclaimed for recognising the law of Parsimony which says the most simple answers are generally considered the most likely. I think the Greeks and others also recognised it but in short, it is generally accepted by scientists and mathematicians alike as a way to progress and conclude theoretical thinking.' That cleared up I re-embarked on the final relevant assumption.
'Our universe is most likely to exist not in a physical sense but only as imagination. The universe is not real-except as imagination. Our universe exists as imagination only. It is imagination only. The potency of our solidity, and physical existence, is imagination only and this potency is our imagination. There is, in short, no requirement for the universe to be anything other than imagined. The Fourth Assumption must, therefore, be accepted.’
‘The Laws of Parsimony conclude the universe does not exist
outside of the realm of imagination...
The universe is not real!'
The Third Assumption
The third assumption leads on from the second assumption that a nonphysical universe can exist independently of its physical counterpart but a physical universe will always have a corresponding existence in the nonphysical dimension of imagination. Extending from Descartes 'I think therefore I am' as being evidence of nonphysical existence the third assumption simply adds by saying that we have no such strong evidence that a physical universe exists.
'There is proof of a nonphysical existence but there is no proof of a physical existence'